Friday, 26 November 2021

Time Magasine


October 18th 2021 TIME : Throught committement and politics

Today, I am commenting the edition of october 18th TIME edition, a long but very interesting newspaper, develloping many society facts. Throughtout the various articles develloped, it is very difficult to know how to start. So, I decided to first comment the « Woment of the year », who is also on the cover page : Jane Godall. She is a environmentalist and naturalist, with a Cambridge Ph. D in Animals Behaviour. Her story is told, from a simple student studyings chimpanzees in Tanzania to one of the probably biggest environementailst of modern time. What really caught me in getting involved in this reading is the very spiritual and nature-connected tone she used to have. At this point, we can still feel the conection with nature she created with nature while exploring and observing the wild tanzania forests, which adds a diferent dimention to actual politics and scientists points of view about environement and nature. In addition to that, her well-funded commitement about nature, and also her age make us way more comprehensive about the message she want to share, eventhought she is writting with a lot of poetry and romantisme, as for example her saying about the nature : « there is a little plea in it-a plea for help. ».

But, ecology is not the only commitement source in this TIMe, and we understand a social-progressist voluntee whithin each page of this book. The redation give us tips for more inclusive life, politic opinion about abortion on LGBT lobbying in elemntary schools… The positive thing i can say about that, since i am not always agreeing with theese kind of ideologies, is that they don’t hide or try to manipulate the reader by any way : they just give their opinion, which is a totally legitimate and necessary thing to a critic society.

To end up on some patrtiotic point, another article describes how and why a millitary presence from the US forces are still legitimate in Africa : Atiterorism, opened fights agaist al-quaida… Seeing such a reknownlenge for the US millitary to sacrifice their personal life to their country felt very touching to me, reminding me by the one hand the culture gap between France and America, and by the other hand that conflicts are not over in this world, and that the US fight on our side for freedom and power.

In order to conclude, I want to relate some articles that I also liked a lot, maybe as a reading tips to you. Indeed, throughout the 99 pages of this paper, any of us could feel lost. So, two other things I would advice to read is, for the one hand, the new york Governor Kathy Hochul testimony about her feelings about the incoming governor elections, and theUkrainian memorial creation, a very ambitious and full of deference project.

Sunday, 21 November 2021


        First of all, Ian Bremmer put the light on the thorny issue of the diplomatic relation between the Iran and the U.S, we saw that the tention between those two power have an impact through all the world. By turning the pages, we can find the portrait of an inspiring Indian woman :  Indra Nooyi's that I encourages you to read if you are in lack of motivation and needing a reminder that your are able to do big things !                                                                                                                                                                                    The main topic in this magazine is the Special Report about climate change titled "Climate is Everything. We discover the main questions that are going to be debate at the COP26 in Glasgow, the most important meeting about climate change who reunite representative from differents countries to try to save the planet from the climate disaster. We also can find a really good drawing by Lon Tweeten, who explain how the Central Banks can be game-changers by modifying their way of spending actions. More over, a five pages article by two Australian journalist highlight the impact of the green power on the most impoverished communities, wich is an issue that is not covered by the medias. 

    After this main topic, we enter in the section "Time off" : we first talk about an icon, Lady Diana. Since many years, the mistery around here continue to trigger any number of articles. To continue, Annabel Gutterman introduce Darcie Little Badger, a writer who make it a point of honnor to represent minorities, like the LGBT community, in her books. She's the illustration of the new generation that bring freshness into an old domain : Litterature. 

Monday, 8 November 2021

News from Utah (November 2021)

 Our penpals live 2 hours away from Las Vegas in a desert. They are either from St George, Santa Clara or Ivins, Utah. Utah is a very hot state and yet it is very cold in winter that is why their school is called "Snow Canyon high school"! They often go hiking to see all of the mountains and visit all the parks. They often hang out together. 

Their school logo represents an Indian chief!!!!! Noah's penpal is a Native American called Jackson.

 In summer it is very hot in summer (about 115°F) and very cold in winter (30°F). St George is in the middle of a desert. It is not far from Las Vegas. It is located in the bottom left corner of Utah. It is next to many American National parks. The earth is red and the mountains are beautiful. There are plenty of  cactus. Their school is called Snow Canyon High school therefore it sometimes snows in St George.

Thursday, 14 October 2021

Why should you guys read this magazine?

Why should you guys read this magazine ? 

To start with, this magazine contains a variety of articles ranging from topics such as sport or racism all the way to an article explaining how powerful hugs can be on human beings. Basically what I’m trying to say is that there is bound to be something that will meet your interests.

Firstly, the article that particularly took my fancy and that I find quite interesting for you guys to read is a risk report by Ian Bremer about Macron on page 15. It’s title is « France faces an uncertain future as the Macron dream falters » and it talks about the local elections that had some interesting results. On June 20th, Macron’s LR won just 11% of the vote, on par with the Green Party and the Socialists and Le Pen scored only 19% however the center rights, Les Républicains, Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy won about 29%. This shows that voters have their doubts that any party can bring a real change to France. Xavier Bertrand was the winner from this muddle and he is shown as the biggest challenger for President next year so can he sweep past Le Pen and Macron? 

Furthermore another article I enjoyed was « Building A Better Simone Biles » page 76 by Alice Park. This article is about Simone Biles and how she got even greater. The 24 year old from Spring, Texas is the greatest gymnast of all time and she just keeps on going. She doesn’t settle for 25 World Championship medals or four gold Olympic medals and that’s why she is so aspiring, she continues to challenge herself, continuing to compete against herself. Even after an incident in 2018 where she was abused by the convicted sexual predator Larry Nassar she is still competing as a member of the national team and doesn’t let that get to her showing how strong she is. It shows us that no matter what happens don’t just give up as soon as you succeed your first goal, carry on fighting and you will only become more successful in life. 

And lastly, on page 56 there are multiple photographs regarding corona virus vaccinations. Seen as this is a very talked about subject at the moment I thought you guys would find it interesting reading and seeing everyone’s different stories because the vaccine isn’t that simple for everyone. For instance, Allison Bungard helps her son Andrew who is only 13 and has cerebral palsy and Factor V Leiden thrombophilia to receive his shot at a vaccine clinic in Charleston. Or Dana Campbell plays the hormonica before being vaccinated in his home in Elkview. It really gets you thinking as to how much covid 19 has impacted and continues to impact each and everyone’s lives and not everyone is as fortunate to be able to get vaccinated easily. 

Béatrice Roberts, 14/10/21

Saturday, 9 October 2021

No Time to Die - 2021

Introduction to the new James Bond movie, namely "No Time To Die"

And it's French equivalent :

Why you should read this issue of Time Magazine

          I was skiming through Time magazine when I fell upon an article talking about books, this is actually such a great coincidence because we were working on it ! The theme is "the 100 best young- adult books of all time" and this article is written by Jason Reynolds called "Building bricks". He said that a book is a way to make us feel safe ans it can be something we can identify ourselves and lean on it. He gave an exemple, " what must it feel like to be an inner- city Dominican American girl struggling to be heard and then to find refuge in the story of Xiomara in the Port X". Book i a way to find ourselves and build the house we were searching for, it is really helpful for young people to find their way that is why reading book is important.

      There are also many summaries of stories of books with their title, authors and dates This is a great idea to give us the choice to read all of the sum up in order to choose our favorites and have the opportunity to read them if we want. We can find many books of differents genre like "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins or "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas or also a classic one " Anne Franck : Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Franck .

       You have to read this article because it perfectlly illustrates the way we have already deal with books and you can use it in your portfolio.

Marthe, LLCE, 2021

Thursday, 7 October 2021

New friends from America

  We have new friends from America and they are pleased to meet us. They live in St George, Utah or its suburbs. They would like to visit France. They are 15, 16 or 17 years old. They study French and they like it. They are in the same class. They sent us photos. We are so glad!

We are looking forward to receiving many more letters from Isabella, Dominique, Emily, Trey and their friends.


Friday, 17 September 2021

Why you sould read this issue of Time magazine.


 June 21/June 28 TIME

Putin and Biden's first meeting, a tense debate expected

            This june's 28 TIME editions foreshadows an intense debate between the US president Joe Biden and the Russian president Vladimir Putin. Indeed, this summer, they both were about to meet in Geneva. Even if the main goal of Biden was to talk about China's growth with some European leaders, it sounds as if he changed his mind, as  a senior of the official administration of  the US president commented: "These guys are running wild, and they think Biden can be taken advantage of". As a matter of fact, Russia have been implicated in many cyber attacks of American society since the beginning of Biden's presidence. After them being accused of trying to influence the elections in former president Donald Trump, poisoning some political concurents and annexing the region of Crimea, it makes sense that Joe Biden had to change his strategy. So, with the support of European countries and NATO, he's first wish now is to create a front to Russia's wilderness about political and economic matters. Anyway, the incoming debate should be answering the many questions bouncing in every political students and journalists. 

So, for now on, we are just waiting for the next events.

Written on september the 16, 2021.

Noah B.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Viking Raid on Lindisfarne

Voici  les deux vidéos de Seasons 1ère sur les Vikings. Vous pouvez cliquer sur chaque image afin d'avoir accès à la vidéo.

Ici, l'attaque de Lindisfarne selon la série Vikings de HBO p.100. La vidéo sur le manuel s'arrête à 2.28 mn. Ne pas considérer cette vidéo en entier pour répondre aux questions.

Ici le lien pour voir la vidéo de History pod p. 101. La vidéo doit être traitée en entier.

Wednesday, 3 March 2021

To what extent can we sympathise with villains?

      In today's society, villains have taken an important part of the most popular characters of cable TV series. Indeed, those apparently rutheless wrong doers seem to attract the viewer's sympathy. So, we might consider to what extent we can sympatise with vilains. In order to explain that, we will first see how the ant-heroes got out of the manichean vision people had onto them, and then define the limits of this sympathy

Walter White,
Breaking Bad (2008)
 To begin, it sounds important to understand that many things have   changed in the villain's behavior during the last twenty years. the   screenplay writers have gotten them out of their despicable stock   charcater roles and tried to make them more likeable. First, the   antiheroes have become human. They now have very understandable   motivations to do bad things, that can make us appreciate them, since it   is what makes them human. A classical exemple could be Walter White,   the protagonist of the Netflix series Breaking bad, a drug producer and   murderer that started his work so that his family could survive economically after he dies of his cancer. Moreover, some villains really get out of the stereotypical wrong-doer cliché. They allow the series to get new characters, with a tough psycological background, and an undisputable charism. To illustrate that, the Joker is the most logical choice. A warped and evil villain, but with a tough past, which made the movie about him become one of the biggest 2019-2020 blockbuster.

Nevertheless, the sympathy for villains has its own limits; Even if he's got charism and skills, even if he is flawless, an arsonist stays an arsonist, and people won't seriously idolize him. The example of Walter White's humanity had been taken in the first part, but still, somebody producing The top 5 most adictive drug in the word doesn't deserve to be worshiped. Than, I have to talk about the example of Dexter to explain the real point. Doing right by wrong is definitely unfair, and should not be appreciated by people, who could get to take example on them. You don't kill people because they are bad, you put them down to jail.

To conclude, many people sympathise with anti-heroes, in the limit of their own moral judgement. A great litterary piece of work to read, about this notion of  moral judgement would be "beyond good and evil", of Frederich Nieztche.


Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Kamala Harris


"All men and women are created equal" are a reality for every American citizen ?

However great and inspirational this line is, it unfortunately doesn't reflect the reality for lots of American citizens...Indeed, the on-going society we are living in is still dominated by patriarchy. Although many obstacles and inequality have been overcome, there is still a long way to go in order to finally say that all men and women are created equal. Trougouh the years, women have always fought for their rights and will continue to do so until equality is genuinely reached. But as for now, I believe and most importantly, I hope mentalities have changed regarding women's place in the society.
Emma, 1A