Welcome to all. If you are attending André Malraux high school in Biarritz, this is your blog. Feel free to express yourself in English, Spanish, German (or in any other language except French) in this blog. Just send your article to one of your teachers so as to be able to contribute to this blog. Everyone is welcome to do so. The language teachers.
Sunday, 29 January 2023
Ken Loach's "Sorry We Missed You"
"Spare" by Prince Harry
A passage from "Spare", by Prince Harry, 2023
I was in a bad, bad place.
Paps, somehow, knew. Around this time they began hitting me with their cameras, deliberately, trying to incite me.
Friday, 27 January 2023
Translation workshop
Thursday, 19 January 2023
Our new assistant
Our new assistant is named Autumn. She is from the United -States, she came to France to help French student to learn English and to improve her French.
She studied English and journalism as her major and Middle Eastern Anthropology as her minor. Her passion his learning languages and reading. She speaks 5 languages.
Her favorite book is "the goose girl" by Shannon Hale.
Her favorite food are Italian food and dessert . She has one cat is name is Cooper .
Her favorite movie is "Midnight in Paris".
We will be working with Autumn this years.
This article was written by the students of Tle ETLV
Monday, 16 January 2023
Snow Canyon highschool, Utah
Today, our pen pals sent us videos in order to present us their highschool.
In this video they told us about their subjects on their timeline and their teacher's name on each subjects, about their habits in the school and they showed us parts of their school. Their classroom seemed to be way bigger than ours and there are way more decorations : drawings, flags of america, posters and more. In the room where they eat there were a lot of christmas trees, there was also a room with all the trophies won by sport teams, a place with vending machines, a huge library, a classroom reserved to music with pianos and another room for guitares and drums and a place where the walkers are put, also the corridors are huge. They have assemblies, clubs, sports connected to the school, they are very orientated, for the sport class they have a uniform and some of them have a seminary class which is outside because they aren't allowed to teach religion in the school.
About sport teams there are teams for American football, soccer, golf, fishing and also drill and cheer teams who dance, compete against each other and cheer their team when there's a game.
American school are so different from ours, they have more freedom and a lot more activities and entertainment, most of the students seem to be in a good mood and to like their school, they also seem to be really close to their teachers.
There are a lot of things that I didn't know about American schools, it's always great to learn more about them. ❤
Elurra 2AB
Sunday, 8 January 2023
Xmas in the USA
In the USA, Christmas is an important event and they have a lot of traditions.
To celebrate Christmas, the Americans usually decorate their house, inside and outside, in the days leading up to Christmas. Like the French, they buy a Christmas tree and decorate it with their family.
Sending Christmas cards is an American Christmas tradition that allows Americans to invite their loved ones or simply to wish a Merry Christmas to those who are far away through a personalized paper card.
They also hung woolen socks on the chimney and Santa Claus field it with treats.
For dinner, they eat rosted turkey with green beans and cranberry sauce. For the dessert, they eat different kind of tarts with pumpkin, pecan or apples.
On the 25th of December, they open their gifts and spend the day in family.
Iliana, 2B.
Merry christmas
Merry Xmas from Snow Canyon Highschool
We received cards from our penfriends for Christmas. In these cards, they told us about their Christmas traditions. I have noticed that some of them have the same traditions as us, like opening their gifts on the 25th of December on the morning with their family, but however some have very different traditions. Also, some of our penfriends sent us gifts like coins or other things.

Besides, they also told us about Native Americans. Some of our penfriends have already seen a reservation, some of them have already met some, and some of them even have Native Americans friends.