Thursday 17 October 2024

The Release Of The Bulls

“They would race through the streets and out to the bullring”, E.Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, 1926

“All the balconies were crowded with people.” 
E.Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, 1926

“When I woke it was the sound of the rocket exploding that announced the release of the bulls from the corrals at the edge of town.” E.Hemingway, The Sun Also Rises, 1926

Rockets Sticks

out of the square[..]the side street

 Aurèle Xavi Jovan Paul

The bullfight (p145)

« The bullfight on the second day was much better than on the first »

« Romero never made any contortions, always it was straight and pure and natural in line »

« Romero’s bullfighting gave real emotion »

« I told her about watching the bull, not the horse, when the bulls charged the picadors »

By Hector, Kalani, Bazil and Noé


 “All the good bullfighters stayed at Montoya’s hotel”

Hemingway in Pamplona :         

“Aficion means passion. An aficionado is one who is passionate about thebullfights “

“There was this same embarrassed putting the hand on the shoulder, or a “Buen hombre”